Her Doctrine and Morals

Fifth Sunday after The Epiphany

9 February 2025


The Sunday


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Dear Friends in Christ,

The demons do not create anything; instead, they imitate what God has made in order to corrupt or destroy. In today's Gospel reading of the wheat and the tares (Saint Matthew 13:24-30), Jesus uses a metaphor to show us how, after the good that God has done (good seed is sown), the demons (evil men) come and over sow tares. The "wheat" represents the true believers, while the "tares" symbolize those who appear to be believers but are actually false. The tares resemble the wheat until harvest, when they may be discerned by the fruit they bear. The demons and evil men do the same with the Church's doctrines, rites, and sacraments.

God gave us prophets; the demons send anti-prophets. God gave us Christ; the demons send anti-Christs. God gave us popes; the demons send anti-popes. God gave us the Church, bishops, and priests, and the demons send anti-churches, anti-bishops, and anti-priests.

While bishops were sleeping and not keeping watch, enemies entered the Church and began sowing tares — doctrine, worship, prayer, rituals, etc., that closely resembled true ones but were false or evil. Very often, men fail to discern truth from falsehood until everything is fully developed and matured; then, by the fruits, things are made clear.

It seems that the entire Body that was once the Church is now overcome with the tares or evil doctrine and practices. We have little doubt that there are good meaning souls, unable to discern the evil around them because the demons present falsehood most attractively. It is not our duty to root out the tares from the wheat, as Jesus shows us in today's parable that He has reserved for the Angels to do at the harvest (the end of the world).

Let us be vigilant against the deceptive tactics of the demons. They are adept at misquoting Scripture and subtly changing things, just enough to corrupt and destroy them. This leaves us with the only safe option, which is to abandon the false Church that has usurped what God has given us. To be Catholic, we must cut ties with the usurpers of Catholic properties and their tares of corrupted doctrine, worship, rituals, and "Sacraments."

The Church is not buildings, books, places, etc., but rather the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Jesus Christ and the Church are present in our modern-day catacombs, in true successors to the Apostles, and in the priests and laity in union with them. The Church (the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ) is living through history, the very life of Jesus. He is alone and abandoned even by His followers today, as He was once denied and abandoned by His disciples and Apostles on Calvary.

Judeans clung to the security of the Temple even as it fell apart around them. Modernist Catholics likewise appear to cling to the security of Rome or the Vatican even as it is falling apart around them. The demons have not just sown tares there but have erected an Abomination of Desolation where Jesus was once present, offered adoration and sacrifice. As the Temple was desecrated so, we see once holy Catholic places are now likewise desecrated.

The time to reclaim these material things has humanly passed. Our salvation is now back in the catacombs. We should pray for and admonish, where possible, those within the Modernist anti-Church. Those with eyes to see, let them see; those with ears to hear, let them hear. For the genuinely ignorant, we pray that God may have mercy on them and that on the Day of Judgment, they will be found to be wheat even though they were surrounded and found among the tares.

It is not for us to judge or discern the souls of our fellow men, this belongs to God and is reserved for Him and the End of Days. It is ours to discern truth from falsehood, right from wrong, etc. God has given us clear doctrines, definitions, rituals, worship, traditions, etc., which we can logically compare with the tares that the demons present in their places. We will each be held accountable for what we have done with the gifts of intelligence, understanding, and wisdom that God has given us.

May we all flee from the Abomination of Desolation but fervently pray for those who do not have the light to see or the courage to run to Jesus on Calvary.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!

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